Friday, March 20, 2009

March 18, 2009 Gathering

Welcome to the first day of spring, everyone!

It seemed so far off back in early January where we had that record cold snap (-20'sF air temp alone). While it's chilly, the sun is out and the plants are slowly coming back to life.

And a great way to celebrate the first day of spring, in the knitting/crocheting fashion, is to have a new baby sweater! This is the February Baby Sweater by Elizabeth Zimmerman. (The Yarn Harlot recently wrote about her sweater (Febraury Lady) that was rubbing shoulders with Elizabeth's knitted sweater.)


This February Baby Sweater above was knitted by our Jeanne, who's eagerly anticipating a visit with her children from France, who are bringing their first child and her newest grandchild to meet her!


Happy Spring, everyone!