Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Guess Who's Coming To Town?!

As excited as some of us are, it could well be Santa in disguise!

I saw this last week in Bettendorf (next to the Family Credit Union on Devils Glen Road) on December 21st:


However, no one was around in the shop and I couldn't find any information about it via the chamber of commerce or online.

This evening, our intrepid SnB reporter, Claire sent in her story:

I stopped by Knit and Knot Yarn after work tonight and talked to Joy Povich. She and her husband, Jotham, are the owners. It looks like it will be a pretty large shop. Jotham was busy building shelves and they hope to open next week. I saw some of the yarn they had - plenty of Noro and Ella Rae.

Joy said that they would be asking for suggestions for yarn, too.

Their website is http://www.knitandknotyarn.com and their phone number is 563-332-7378.

Joy can be contacted at owner@knitandknotyarn.com.

Many thanks to Claire for her reporting skills!